
Life is a LONG road, and when you look back it seems like a second went by!

When you glance over your past, you see your children all grown up, your parents have aged, and your loving spouse rearing an ageless palate. “

“When did this time have a golden opportunity to go by so swiftly?” You silently murmur to yourself.

“Only if I could relive the stirring moments of my fleeting life!”

Life is so incredibly fragile! All it takes is a moment’s notice during your life to change it for the better, and at times, alas, for the worst. Though you’re possibly going through a challenging time, your inner strength and faith will continually get you by.

You know intuitively that you are relatively secure, and must not ever let yourself down!

All you need to do is have a cherished voice within yourself, similar, to the way young children cherish and innocently accept their parents, brothers, and sisters.

Think of all the lives you touch, and influenced. Think of your children, your mate, and your kin, especially. Think back. You are a dreadfully valued person, in your friends and families, lifetimes. They depend on you and they will always have loving eyes for all that you do. This is amazing and this should give you super strength to stand on.

This should also give you the desire to remember to create a small legacy your family and friends can ponder upon and appreciate when you are not close.

Today, I am thinking about what to say to you!

I am drawing up inspiration from my fondest childhood memories to express a child’s concern to you from my eyes.

It is up to you to look at the subject with wisdom. How you handle an issue can either build up your child or vex your child. You notice the impressionable brain of your child soaks up like a sponge in everything that is going on in his or her surroundings. You must be careful to monitor the things they watch and the books they read.

With the universe being so chaotic lately, it is up to you to create a pleasant ambiance that is nourishing for your precious little one. My children’s books and youngster stories are carefully written and illustrated, and rated G.

I’m a well-rounded Bachelor of Arts graduate of Queen’s College, City University of New York. After my programming job, moved overseas, I decided to pour my energy into writing passionate children’s stories to share with my darling grandchildren.

My passion is writing. I write moving articles for HubPages along with creative kids’ stories. These stories give me the inspiration to create spirited children’s books.

My desire is for you to spend quality reading time, with your children that knit you closer together. I hope to spark interesting conversations in my children’s books and stories.

Please, feel free to leave a comment.


Sheila Craan

© 2011 Sheila Craan

2 Responses to Welcome

  1. A warm, inspiring and interesting article/post! I believe I’m following you on HubPages, too. 🙂


  2. Sheila Craan says:

    Thank you, Short Stories Diary!

    I look forward to reading your stories on HubPages as well.


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